Saturday, February 21, 2009

Display the time since Windows started with Windows Elapsed Running Time


This is a small utility that shows the time elapsed since Windows was started. Its compact interface takes up very little desktop space, so you can have the uptime always visible using the always on top option. It can show also the elapsed days/hours in the taskbar icon.

Windows Elapsed Running Time or WERT is a small and portable utility for displaying the time Windows has been running. Wert can be minimized to the system tray and be set to display the number of hours that Windows has been on, by simply moving your mouse over the icon WERT will show the full uptime time which is pretty neat. WERT can be set to run at Windows startup and used between 1 to 2 MB of memory in my PC which is pretty good.
In conclusion if you need to know how long have you been using Windows then Windows Elapsed Running Time is the program for you. Available for all versions of Windows.

Get it at

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