Sunday, November 9, 2008

Promoting Your Blog: What You Need to Know

SEOThere are many ways of promoting your blog. But, there is no science or reason to believe one works better than another. Although, there are general agreements to the process to help insure the best results.
1. It is a long process. - Nothing works overnight.

2. Link out. - Linking out is a great way to gain exposure. Use your pings and trackbacks.

3. Content is king but marketing is queen. - The old ‘content is king’ still holds true today, but if you don’t prepare your blog, no one will see it.

4. Follow your stats. - Don’t just listen to what internet marketers have to say, do your own research. Find what works best for you and continue doing it and learn how to do it better. Which brings me to

5. Use your strengths. - What are you good at? Use it to your strength to help advertise your website and keep visitors.

6. It’s easier to keep visitors than get new ones. - Find what your visitors enjoy and keep doing it. Not only are return visitors easier to receive, but they are much cheaper.

7. Be consistent. - There is no bigger turnoff to potential subscribers than being inconsistent with copywriting. Keep your theme in order and present content in a uniform manner.

8. Implement SEO techniques. - Search Engine Optimization is the cheapest and most targeted traffic you will ever receive. Utilize it.

9. Be creative. - Find a way to market your blog like no other. Remember bum marketing? Even if his original idea didn’t work, he created national media attention–the best type of promotion.

10. Use social media. - And use it wisely. Don’t just use it to promote yourself or you will get banned quickly. Do your research and find what social media site will benefit you the most. Join it and be active.

11. Follow industry leaders. - No, don’t stalk them. But, do interact with them. The more they know about you the more they will be willing to link to you. That is, if you aren’t spammy. How to do this? Join Twitter and add them as a friend. Converse with them. Oh, and it does help to comment on their blog.

12. Diversify. - Don’t put all your eggs in the same… wait, that has been used. Don’t eat too many… er. Hm… I know, don’t eat too much turkey on Thanksgiving or you won’t be able to eat the delicious pie. If you spend all your time and/or money on one marketing adventure, you are doomed to fail. Instead, branch your marketing out into several areas.

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