Friday, December 12, 2008 Update Checker can let you know if your programs have updates available

The Update Checker will scan your computer for installed software, check the versions and then send this information to to see if there are any newer releases. These are then neatly displayed in your browser for you to download.

Review: is a great place to find free programs (some of the programs featured in this blog have come from there) so if you have programs that you download from there then Update Checker is a pretty good way to keep them up to date. Just download the installer or the portable version and run it so that it can check your installed programs, a browser window will be opened with direct links to download the newest versions of your software. Unfortunately Update Checker can only check programs that are added to the website so if you have programs that are not there you are out of luck. You could try Updatestar tough which is another software update utility with a larger software database but it's not portable.
In conclusion if you only have programs that are on the website then this update checker is a good way to keep them up to date. Available for Windows 98/ME/2004/2003/XP/Vista.

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