Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Discover The Many Benefits Of VoIP Before Making The Switch

If you don't realise the wonderful benefits of VoIP, you will realise in a few moment that VoIP is the greatest invention of all since sliced bread. Everybody from small business owners to major corporations and not to mention households worldwide are starting to see the benefits of VoIP. They are making the switch to business VoIP as we speak.

If you are still unsure if VoIP is right for you or your business, below are five benefits of VoIP for you to check out.
  • Benefit Of VoIP No. 1 - Saves Money And Cost Efficient
    Whether you're using VoIP for your residence or your business, you'll find it to be a lot cheaper than your normal landline telephone cost, be it short or long distance calls. However, the cost varies from one voip provider to another. Some allow unlimited calls and some charges only a small fee.
  • Benefit Of VoIP No. 2 - Integration With Audio, Data And Video Applications
    How about the ability to integrate your computer applications such as email, fax, web conferencing and video phone with your telephone needs sound to you? That my friend, is the benefit of VoIP number two, as you are able to use your phone while accessing all your other programs and surf the Internet at the same time. This way, you'll save more money and energy as it combines all of the services into one basic application.
  • Benefit of VoIP No. 3 - Flexibility
    You're able to take your VoIP adapters anywhere and use your number anywhere there's an Internet connection. This includes travelling overseas, staying in hotels and even camping. This is suitable for those with active lifestyles and those whose jobs require much travel.
  • Benefit Of VoIP No. 4 - Ability To Choose Your Own Area Codes
    Suitable for those whose friends and family who live in one particular location. By having the ability to choose your own area code, they are able to call you and will be charged as a local call. This means, they don't have to pay for long distance charges. Some VoIP providers even extend their area codes to other countries. This is beneficial to you if you have someone who lives halfway across the world.
  • Benefit Of VoIP No. 5 - Offer Features For Free
    Everybody loves free stuff. Features that typically cost extra with normal phones are bundled with VoIP. These features include Voice Mail, Call Forwarding, Call Waiting, Caller ID, Call Block, Call Return and Do Not Disturb.

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