Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Spyware Software

In this section you can find reviews and test results of hundreds of more or less known anti-spyware programs available in the Internet. An anti-spyware program is a specific application designed to fight against spyware, adware threats and other kinds of parasites. It scans a computer, detects security and privacy risks and completely removes them from the system. Different spyware removers have different features and functions, use different detection and removal techniques and approaches, they can be similar to each other or may have absolutely nothing in common. The only thing that unites them is the purpose - to find and eliminate pests and clean up a compromised system. Here is side by side ANTISPYWARE COMPARISON CHART

But not all anti-spyware tools can be trusted. The spyware software section is divided into categories: anti-spyware and corrupt anti-spyware. In the first one we provide reviews of recommended solutions and effective enough products. The second one contains the list of corrupt, rogue, fake, illegal, even harmful programs that cannot properly detect and remove spyware. We DO NOT recommend to purchase or use any programs that fall into our corrupt anti-spyware list.

The main purpose of the Spyware Software section is to introduce reliable and really working anti-spyware software available on the market and help to avoid bad products, which vendors just want to make money from you. Provided categories can also be used for software comparison and analysis. 2-spyware.com wants to help you to choose the right product.

Software by categories:

Anti-Spyware (75) - Anti-Spyware contains the list of all known legitimate anti-spyware programs that can effectively detect and remove spyware, adware threats and other kinds of computer parasites from the system.
Corrupt Anti-Spyware (232) - Corrupt AntiSpyware category contains the list of corrupt, rogue, fake, illegal, even harmful anti-spyware tools that cannot correctly detect and remove spyware or other parasites and therefore are totally ineffective and should NOT be purchased and used.
Parasite removal tools (5) - This section provides the list of separate parasite removal tools designed to find and remove specific trojans, worms, viruses, spyware or adware threats.

original resource from http://www.2-spyware.com

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