Tuesday, July 15, 2008

VoIP Business

Whether you run a small business or a big corporation, switching to VoIP is something that you must not delay. As we speak, many companies are making the switch to VoIP upon realising the many advantages of incorporating their business with VoIP. In a nutshell, these benefits include saving costs and increasing productivity.

Below is an overview on why your business should make the switch to VoIP.

VoIP Saves Cost

No matter how you hate to admit it, you cannot deny the fact that today, without telecommunications your business can be considered non-existent. We have become so dependent on the telephone, fax, Internet, E-mail, Customer Service through telephone, web-conferencing, online web applications, and any other business needs that we cannot even begin to imagine how we survived without them previously.

Don’t fret, as VoIP handles all of it by integrating everything into one application. Not only that, VoIP has also combined other software applications such as accounting programs and other PC based applications such as Microsoft Words, Excel, etc. in order to make your business a breeze. Do you see how much this reduces the cost for your business while at the same time increases your business productivity?

Besides all that, your business will save more cost with VoIP as it reduces your long distance charges.

VoIP is Perfect for Call Centres

As VoIP offers benefits that every business today could ever dreamed of, such as flexibility, cost efficiency and not forgetting enhanced customer service applications, Call Centers are now showing their interest in VoIP and are starting to make the switch too.

In the past, a Call Center is located in a building where you operate your business. This becomes a problem when your business eventually expands to another location where another Call Center would then have to be provided and set up. This means spending more money and consuming more time.

With VoIP, should your business expand one day, you now have the option of outsourcing your work overseas by employing home-based employees for a lot less in terms of labor virtually anywhere in the world and able to work in different time zones. Not only will this save you money, your business can now afford even greater worldwide customer service around the clock all year round.

As previously discussed, with the integration of data, audio and other web based features, customer service calls will be handled more efficiently. In this case, calls will be transferred more professionally and greater care can be provided to your customers.

VoIP for Mobile Employees

Another great way that your business can benefit from VoIP is if you have employees who travel a lot to almost anywhere around the world. In normal circumstances, the company would provide their employees with personal cell phones for them to make calls whenever they are on the move.

With VoIP, your mobile employees will always stay connected with the company and yet still lets you save money in fees as there are no roaming charges with VoIP. This way, your employees can communicate with each other and with the corporate headquarters more frequently without having to worry about the long distance charges.

VoIP Lets You Stay In Touch With Your Customers

Ever been in a situation where you call someone at his office, only to find out that he is not in? What do you do next? You would have to hang up the phone and call his mobile. This added nuisance is not an efficient way to handle your customers. You would want to be there when your customer calls and you would want to stay connected with your customers at all times or you might lose the sale.

By utilizing VoIP, all calls from the customers will be routed to you no matter where you are, thus increasing your business’ productivity as the customers are able to talk to you without having to call you again another time. With the ability of choosing the same area codes as your customers, all of their calls will be charged as local calls. This way, your customer service applications will be greatly enhanced by VoIP.

Real-Time Global Web Conferencing

As we are entering the era of business globalization, web-conferencing and training have become very important parts of business. Conference cost is very expensive especially if it is worldwide. You would have to set a specific time so that everybody would be able to be on the call. However, attempts to reach all employees for the conference call could be time consuming. More often than not, some might not be able to make it as they are overseas, for example.

On the other hand, with VoIP, those are a thing of the past. With an Internet connection and a laptop, all you have to do is set the time for the conference and everybody can be there for the call no matter where they are.

So, there you go; five reasons how your business can benefit tremendously with VoIP. We all know that telecommunications are on the rise and VoIP is leading this revolution. With many new features being added daily with VoIP, the way businesses will be conducted will never be the same again. The only question that every business person should ask himself is whether he wants to grow with the technology or get left behind. If you choose the latter, you will never know the full potential of your business and how far VoIP can take your business to the next level.

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