Friday, July 4, 2008

Removing Auto play option of hard disk drive and folders

Recently, found that many computers are infected by a virus, mainly from mobile phones and pen drives, named ‘hacked by Godzilla viruses. It creates an auto play option on hard drives and folders. Normally, folders and hard dives opens on double clicking it, but if this virus is infected you can not open on double clicking instead only by right click and open or explore it. Normally antivirus software can’t detect it (tested only with Avast and MacAfee)
1.Select ‘Folder option’ by going to Tools menu from windows explorer.
2.From the pop up window go to View tab and select the ‘Show hidden files and folders
3.Uncheck ‘Hide protected Operating system files’ and click ok.
4.Open drive by right click and explore (don’t double click) and delete the following. autorun.inf and MS32DLL.dll.vbs or MS32DLL.dll (use Shift+ Delete button for delete) Do it in all your drive include floppy drive.
5.Open folder ‘Windows’ (C:\WINDOWS) and delete MS32DLL.dll.vbs or MS32DLL.dll by using Shift + delete button
6.Open registry by going to Start – Run and type regedit and hit ok
7.Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE – software-Microsoft-Windows –Current Version- 8.Run and delete the entry MS32DLL.
9.Now go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER - Software - Microsoft -Internet Explorer - Main and delete the entry Window Title “Hacked by Godzilla” and close registry editor.
10.Open group policy editor by going to Start – Run and type gpedit.msc and click ok
11.Go to User Configuration - Administrative Templates - System. Double Click on the entry ‘Turn Off Autoplay’ from the right pane. Now ‘Turn Off Autoplay Properties’ will display and from the pop up window select ‘Enabled’ and select ‘All drive’ from Turn off Autoplay on an click OK
12.Start – Run and type ‘msconfig’ and click ok.
13.Go to start up tab and uncheck MS32DLL and click ok and close system it with out restart.
14.Now go to Tool – Folder option from windows explorer and select ‘Do not show hidden files and uncheck ‘Hide operating system files’.
15.Go to your recyclable bin and empty it to prevent any possibility of MS322DLL.dll.vbs lying there.

Now restart your computer

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