Thursday, July 31, 2008

Sipgate app brings VoIP to iPhone

Nearly a year after its release in the US, the iPhone is now able to use third party Voice over IP (VoIP) services, after sipgate.Inc announced the release of an application which enables the iPhone to natively communicate with any VoIP service, so long as it is on the industry’s standard SIP.

What this means is that now all iPhone users, are able to both make and receive VoIP calls via a Wi-Fi net connection, with a multitude of VoIP providers, once they have downloaded sipgate’s free software from their website.

sipgate Inc., have made it their goal to bring the best of telecommunication services to the general public, and the U.S. arm of the European telecoms giant is doing just that with their free software, which is designed to be highly intuitive, making it a user friendly experience.

The reason behind the move to VoIP services, is that it gives phone users the ability to call any number in the world, without having to use minutes from a wireless plan, as international call costs can be up to $3 per minutes, whereas international call costs via VoIP can be as little as $0.01 per minute.

Currently this new system is still in Beta, so sipgate are offering new users 111 minutes of VoIP for free, for calls within the U.S. only, though users will still have to pay their regular fee for Wi-Fi or VoIP subscription.

Yet another aspect to sipgate’s VoIP service, is that one person may have multiple domestic and international numbers, and calls to and from each of the different numbers, can be made using the one device, be that a VoIP compatible mobile, an iPhone, a Blackberry, or any other such device.

CEO of sipgate, Thilo Salmon, spoke about the excitement throughout the company, as Apple begin to allow the iPhone to be used for more applications, which makes sipgate’s VoIP software usable.

Salmon said that there is a love of VoIP and the iPhone at sipgate, so they are more than happy to be a part of combining the two, and plan to build on that service in the future.

Salmon hinted at further applications for businesses and users to be released later this year, saying that the company is committed to offering services that are user friendly and useful in today’s market, and suggest people be ready for further developments.

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